Fantastic festive food drive

The ASRC hosted a festive food drive on Sunday, December 3. 373489_01

A festive food drive by the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC) is set to make some people’s Christmas’ a bit cheerier.

The ASRC hosted the food drive on Sunday, December 3, to gather as many food donations as they can before the busy Christmas period.

Community food services operations coordinator Vincent Belmonte said the day was a huge success.

“It was so great, we had a really good response from the community,” he said.

Belmonte said the 35 volunteers working at the centre were visited by 100 car loads full of people as well as 45 people on foot.

“It was fantastic and very positive compared to last year, there were so many families who helped us.”

The team has not counted the final amount of donations, but they did receive a variety of donations from the list of 20 items they asked for.

“We received more than 1000 tins of tuna, 450 litres of milk and 150 kg of basmati rice, enough to definitely help us feed people for the next month.

“We know that January is usually really low in terms of donations so this will help us put out extra food at this time of year.”

Although the food drive is over for the year, Mr Belmonte hopes that those who are able will continue to donate over the next few months.

“People can check on our website to see which food we need, it would be great if people could keep donating.”