Australia’s favourite Christmas cake is back

Lions Christmas cakes have been a hit for more than 57 years (supplied).

The festive season is here and Australia’s favourite Christmas treat is back for Maribyrnong and Hobsons Bay residents to enjoy

Sold by volunteers in their local communities, Lions Australia’s Christmas cakes have become a tradition in thousands of Australian homes renowned not only for exceptional flavour and quality but also for warming the heart.

Christmas cakes and puddings are Lions Australia’s largest annual fundraiser.

Since the first one pound cake was introduced in 1965, the fundraiser has raised over $70 million to help drive community programs and projects across Australia.

Perfected over the years, the traditional Lions Australia Christmas cake recipe is packed with high quality ingredients and 50 per cent fruit but there’s one magic ingredient in this cake that sets it apart from the rest.

The Lions Christmas Cake makes a difference.

With all proceeds going back to Lions Clubs and initiatives across the country, the cakes help fund a range of vital projects in the community.

A focus for many Lions clubs across Australia in recent years has been emergency and disaster relief and helping communities rebuild and recover from fires and floods.

Lions Australia chief executive Rob Oerlemans said the cakes have become a tradition in Australian households.

“This isn’t just because they are renowned for quality and taste but because when buying a Lions cake you know you are supporting a good cause and making a difference,” he said.

“Each club that takes part in the program makes a profit that they can either use on a Lions project or donate back into their local communities.”

Since the first Lions Club was formed in Lismore more than 75 years ago, Lions Australia has grown into Australia’s largest service organisation with more than 1200 clubs across the country.

A key focus for the organisation in recent years has been supporting communities impacted by floods while continuing to support communities recovering from the 2019-20 black summer bushfires.

The Lions Christmas cake sales help fund the incredible work of the organisation in communities across Australia.

In addition to disaster relief, Lions Clubs drive a range of community service projects and initiatives ranging from youth programs, medical research, aid to people with disability and environmental work.
