90 years of Newport anglers

Conrad Greer, Colin 'Wilko' Wilkinson and Lindsay Morton from the Newport Anglers Club. (Jacob Pattison)377370_05

Star Weekly is looking back at the best stories of last year and this is one of them.

The Newport Anglers Club is celebrating 90 years of community and fishing.

Committee Member Lindsay Morton has been a part of the club for more than 20 years, which he has watched grow over time.

“Some of the most notable changes include a growth in families and junior members to the club, as well as becoming more gender diverse,” he said.

“We have noticed it has become a real family oriented club.”

The club now has 115 members which was originally formed in 1933 by a group of 11 people.

“You don’t have to have a deep level of knowledge about fishing to join, as long as you have an interest, the benefit of the club is yours,” Mr Morton said.

“It is all about enjoying fishing. There are members there to teach each other and to share their experience and knowledge.”

Mr Morton said the members who are boat owners take other members out in competitions as well as socially, meaning there is no pressure to own a boat to belong in the club.

Members start off as young juniors through to seniors who are in their 80s, all of who meet for weekly social meetings.

“We participate in a whole different range of angling opportunities, including fishing on the bay, freshwater fishing, surf trips, charter trips, social events, cooking classes and fundraising activities,” Mr Morton said.

“There is quite a diverse range of activities and opportunities to learn.”

The club celebrated its 90th birthday on Saturday, December 9, while also celebrating the reopening of the Jetty facilities following refurbishment.