Push for heritage

Cr Peter Hemphill.

Cr Peter Hemphill

We have an incredible cultural and historical asset in Newport and it’s time it was given the recognition and protection it deserves.

The Newport Railway Workshops have played a crucial role in the growth and development of Melbourne and Victoria.

It is one of our state’s hidden gems and we must do all we can to preserve it for future generations.

At a council meeting in December, I moved a motion that calls on VicTrack to work with council and rail heritage groups to carry out the necessary tasks required to support an application that puts the site on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

There is enough evidence around to suggest the Newport Railway Workshops is one of the most significant rail manufacturing sites in the world, where we not only have heritage buildings, but the steam locomotives and carriages built inside them, with some of the equipment still intact.

There are currently only two world heritage sites in Victoria and 20 in Australia.

Most of the national heritage sites are natural environments and only three are man- made structures, so the Newport Railway Workshops would be in unique company in Australia if a UNESCO listing was successful.

Applying for world heritage listing is of course up to the federal government, but without support and advocacy for it coming from our own backyard, it will never be on the radar.

I’m pleased my councillor colleagues supported the motion and I hope all the relevant parties can come together to support this push.

Before I go, I’d like to mention that this year’s Make It Happen grants are opening on February 1.

This is such an important and popular program, which provides community groups and organisations the chance to apply for up to $25,000 to make their event, program or project happen.

Sometimes these grants are the difference between an idea being able to come to life or not. Fundraising is always difficult for community groups, so this is a chance for you to get that project or event off the ground.

Check out hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au/grants for more information. There are information sessions that will help you put your submission together.