Report find abuse continues


Jennifer Pittorino

The Office of the Public Advocate (OPA) released its community visitors annual report, reporting an overall increase in abuse, neglect and violence for the people they visit including in Melbourne’s west.

The (OPA) is a human rights organisation which promotes the diversity and inclusion of all people.

In 2022-2023, 384 OPA volunteer visitors and their 117 trainees conducted 3793 visits at 1270 Victorian facilities where people with disability and people with mental health issues receive support.

The report recorded 596 reports of abuse in the most recent period, up from 458 in 2020-21.

One instance highlighted in the report was one supported living accommodation provider in the west metro area.

The report said this service provider took action to improve the lives of its residents by addressing the concerns raised by community visitors.

Enhancements were then made to elevate the living standards for residents.

The report said this included both structural and aesthetic concerns, including plastering cracks, repainting walls, and introducing new furniture with a complete dining set that brings warmth and homeliness to shared spaces.

Additionally, both bathrooms received essential repairs, further ensuring the comfort and safety of residents.

The report said this initiative highlights the role Community Visitors play in advocating for improvements and upholding the rights and dignity of those in supported living.

“Their dedication not only brings to light the necessity for ongoing enhancements in residential services but also celebrates the achievements made possible through collaborative efforts between service providers and the vigilant oversight of community visitors,” it said.

Combined Board and Public Advocate of Victoria chair Dr Colleen Pearce said the improvement to the supported accommodation displayed the difference it can make.

“It’s a testament to what can be achieved when service providers and community visitors collaborate with a shared vision of respect and support,” she said.

“As this story unfolds, it serves as a testament to the positive impact that dedicated support and responsive service provision can have on the lives of individuals in our community.”