First round of grants open


The first round of community grants by the Hobsons Bay Community Fund (HBCF) have opened for organisations delivering services or programs within the Hobsons Bay community.

HBCF said the grants aim to promote a fair, inclusive and vibrant community by promoting social inclusion and fair and equitable access to community participation.

“The vision of the Hobsons Bay Community Fund (HBCF) to ‘benefit and strengthen the community of Hobsons Bay for present and future generations’ has never felt more meaningful than right now,” HBCF said.

HBCF’s committee works closely with key local stakeholders to ensure our priorities are aligned with the existing and emerging needs of the local community.

In 2023, the HBCF provided $88,021 in grants to 25 local projects.

The grants benefited the Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) communities, migrants and asylum seekers, people with disabilities, and communities at risk of social isolation, as well as providing equal opportunities in education, employment and the arts.

The first-round applications close Sunday, June 30, while the second-round applications open Thursday, August 15, and close Thursday, October 31.

This year the community support grants will range from $500 up to $10,000.
