Melbourne Fringe Festival comes to Newport Substation

Five shows from the Melbourne Fringe Festival will be performed at Newport’s Substation from September 17-October 4.

Running from September 17-22, Just Us, by Mitchell Jones and collaborators, satirises the bureaucracy of Australia’s justice system through circus and theatre.

My Life in Boxes, by Gravity Dolls Circus, unpacks the story of a pathological hoarder placed in palliative care. Running concurrently will be What I Leave Behind, a puppetry performance for mature audiences.

From September 25-27, Lilian Steiner brings

Noise Quartet Meditation to the stage, featuring two dancers and two percussionists exploring tranquility within chaos.

Symphony of Strange, by Gareth Hart, from September 30 to October 4, is an immersive
dance work set to a live orchestra of 50 non-musical instruments.

The show was nominated for ‘best dance’ at the 2012 Adelaide Fringe.

For more details or to book tickets, visit