Pool to be saved


Tara Murray

The Williamstown Swimming and Life Saving Club pool will be saved following community backlash against council’s plans to remove the pool during upgrade works.

Hobsons Bay council’s initial plans for upgrades at the club, which were announced late last year, included the removal of the pool.

A petition called ‘Save Our Pool’ was launched, calling on council to halt plans to remove the outdoor pool, the kiosk and members lawn.

However updated concept plans for the upgrade, adopted by councillors during the August 13 council meeting, stated that the pool would be retained.

However, it will be reduced from 33 metres to 25 metres. Investigations into the pool’s condition are currently underway.

A report to the council meeting stated the life saving club will cover any future costs associated with the renewal or upgrade of the pool.

Councillor Antoinette Briffa said the life saving club had no issues with the proposal.

“I’m really glad we’ve gotten to this point,” she said.

“I spoke with the vice-president Joel Godde … The club are 100 per cent behind this and they are very supportive and are grateful it has come to this point.”

The plans also showed that council intends to retain the front lawn for members-only use and the kiosk, which would be operated by the life saving club.

The new plans also include a reduction of 19 car parking spaces, which is estimated to cost the council $30,000 in revenue from parking meters.

Cr Pamela Sutton-Legaud said council needed to ensure the right resources are available for the club.

“The purpose of the life saving club is to save lives and this is a commitment to safety as much as it is to a building, a membership group and a community asset,” she said.

“People don’t drown when they swim between the flags. I think it’s a really important asset for Hobsons Bay.”

The state government will contribute $11.3 million to the project, while the council will fund $3 million. Of that money, $5.5 million has been included in the council’s 2024-25 council budget.

The concept plan is out for public consultation until September 10. Details: hobsonsbay.vic.gov.au