Help save koalas in September


For the rest of September, the Australian Koala Foundation is inviting wildlife lovers from all over the world to support Save the Koala Month.

The month-long celebration was first conceptualised to both celebrate the iconic koala and also to educate people about the ongoing challenges they face in the wild and now, Save the Koala month is celebrated annually across the world.

This year, for the first time in its 36-year history, the Australian Koala Foundation kick started Save the Koala Month with the Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small. The march called on everyday Australians who care about the future of Australia’s iconic flora and fauna to use their voices and march to Parliament House in Canberra. The event attracted hundreds in a colourful showing of solidarity and support that ended in Federation Mall with speeches from Australian Koala Foundation chair Deborah Tabart OAM, former senator Dr Bob Brown and current Independent senator David Pocock.

“The Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small was one of the biggest highlights of my career to date,” said Ms Tabart.

“I left Federation Mall with a renewed sense of purpose and passion for the AKF’s next steps in our efforts to save the koala and all other animals that share koala habitat.

“It’s never been more imperative for people to speak up and understand just how important it is for them to use their voice, especially with an election looming. So in that regard, I think our theme for Save the Koala Month this year as ‘Join the Chorus’ is incredibly fitting. The only way we can make a difference is if we all join together and speak up for the issues we feel so strongly about.”

While the Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small was the primary focus leading up to September, there are still plenty of ways for people from all over the world to ‘Join the Chorus’ and participate.

“A simple yet meaningful way to get involved in Save the Koala Month is through our Plant a Tree program,” Ms Tabart said.

“Every tree purchased online gets planted at Quinlans, which is one of our environmental reserves. When a tree gets planted there, it is directly contributing to the regeneration of natural forest and importantly, habitat for our wildlife.”

To find out more about how to get involved for Save the Koala Month, visit