Speeding trucks imperil safety

Glen Yates from Maribyrnong Truck Action Group at the Francis Street pedestrian crossing in Yarraville with Brad Jessup (left) who was hit by a truck there last year and Kerry Dickinson (right) who had a narrow escape there earlier this month. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 436085_01

Cade Lucas

Yarraville residents are demanding speed and red light cameras be installed at a pedestrian crossing where they claim speeding truck drivers are putting lives at risk.

The pedestrian crossing is near the intersection of Ballarat Street and Francis Street, a notorious thoroughfare for trucks travelling between the West Gate Bridge and the Port of Melbourne.

Earlier this year, a submission from the Maribyrnong Truck Action Group, to have the speed limit reduced and safety measures added at the crossing, was rejected by Transport Victoria, which deemed it was operating safely.

But according to resident Kerry Dickinson, a recent near miss she had with a truck while out walking her dog, has proven that’s not the case.

“It was a red light and the truck actually sped up and kept going,” said Ms Dickson of the incident which occurred on October 3.

“I’ve got a 13-year-old labrador who doesn’t walk very fast and we couldn’t get out of the way quick (enough).”

Ms Dickinson said it was only the fact that she and her dog were on the other side of the road to the truck when they began to cross, that saved their lives.

“If anyone was crossing from the other direction at that time, they would’ve been hit.”

Unfortunately, being hit is exactly what happened to another resident, Brad Jessup, almost exactly 12 months ago.

In October last year, Mr Jessup hit his head and bounced off the bull bar of a truck that was accelerating through the crossing despite it being a red light.

He suffered a broken leg and broken ribs in the accident, which led to MTAG’s submission to Transport Victoria

Now, after this latest incident, he’s joining forces with MTAG and Kerry Dickinson to again demand action.

“I would like a red light camera and a speed camera because the speed limit is 50km but most of the trucks exceed that,” said Ms Dickinson of what needs to be done.

She said while the soon to be completed West Gate Tunnel will take trucks off Francis Street, that shouldn’t come at the expense of pedestrian safety now.

“What is it gonna take for them to put a camera there or do something?”

Transport Victoria were contacted for comment.