Councils want say in housing activity centres


The Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) has welcomed the state government’s latest housing policy, but warned council’s must have a say in order for it to be a success.

On Sunday, October 20 the state government announced 50 new activity zones would be created in order to provide more than 30,000 additional homes by 2051.

The activity centres will be located near train stations in suburbs such as Footscray, Toorak, Malvern, Frankston and Glen Waverley.

MAV chief executive Kelly Grigsby said local council’s mustn’t be shut out of the development process for the activity centres.

“Consultation and co-design with the local government sector and their communities will be paramount for the successful implementation of the latest housing announcements made by the state government over the weekend,” Ms Grigsby said.

“Pleasingly, the announcement of the newly identified activity centres acknowledged the need to engage with councils and that the centres ‘will be designed in consultation with locals,” she added.

Ms Grigsby said local government’s across Victoria understood the urgent need to address the state’s housing crisis, but that bypassing them would affect the quality of new housing delivered.

“Councils need a seat at the table to make sure the community’s needs like green open spaces and community facilities such as schools, are planned and designed into the process as change rolls out across our neighbourhoods over the coming decades.”