Yarraville performer Melanie Lane: Our own material girl

The fraught relationship between human beings and the material world comes under the spotlight in a new dance performance by Yarraville choreographer and performer Melanie Lane.

Presented as part of this month’s extensive Dance Massive program, the world premiere of Merge was created in collaboration with celebrated visual artists Bridie Lunney and Ash Keating.

Yarraville’s Chris Clark is also on board as the project’s sound composer.

Lane says her choreography collides with Lunney’s and Keating’s objectives, reflecting on everyday material encounters.

Merge unearths the more unsettling nature of this relationship, questioning the modern-day understanding of material necessity,” she says

Merge is a collision of bodies, sound and material, revealing the madness of humans’ incessant compulsion to accelerate and adapt with their environment beyond what natural limits impose.”

Merge will be performed at the Arts House Meat Market, 5 Blackwood Street, North Melbourne, March 18 to 22.

Tickets $15-$30 via artshouse.com.au or 9322 3713.