Maribyrnong council plan sets youth agenda

Unemployment and fears about personal safety are among the problems facing Maribyrnong’s youth, according to a new four-year council strategy.

The youth strategy, developed by the council and Maribyrnong Alliance for Young People, was prepared after consultation with 1086 young people and 48 service providers.

Young people make up 17 per cent of Maribyrnong’s population, with 39 per cent born overseas and 50 per cent being proficient in English and at least one other language.

A council report said research found issues affecting young people in Maribyrnong included disadvantage, safety, youth unemployment and a lack of health promotion initiatives.

“Young people in Maribyrnong want access to green open spaces, recreation options and youth services where they can be themselves,” the report stated.

“They place a high value on education, but they also want to be engaged in their passions and interests and have opportunities to learn life skills.”

The strategy details a range of measures, including highlighting the benefits of employing young people to local businesses, a youth employment expo and the development of free learning programs such as homework clubs, tutoring and study spaces.

The council also plans to expand outreach youth services and programs at community sites.