Yarraville: Trader anger over paid parking intensifies

Yarraville traders are prepared to take legal action to stop Maribyrnong council’s push to introduce paid parking.

As revealed by Star Weekly on August 13, the council has earmarked sections of Anderson, Ballarat and Canterbury streets and car parks on Canterbury and Simpson streets as “appropriate” for paid parking.

Other proposed areas of paid parking include parts of Charles, Gamon and Victoria streets in Seddon, and the Joseph Road precinct, McNab Avenue, Nicholson and Albert streets and the Albert Street car park in Footscray.

As the campaign against the council’s plan escalates, a Facebook page has received more than 600 likes. Posters carrying the message have been put up on almost every shopfront window in Yarraville, while a petition has attracted 350 signatures.

Mayor Grant Miles said the paid parking proposal was in response to “community and trader concerns” and would increase the numbers of available parking spaces for residents and visitors. This claim was rejected by traders who spoke to Star Weekly.

Andrew Dannaoui, proprietor of Yarraville’s The Village Store and supermarket in Anderson Street, said he was prepared to take the council to court. “I haven’t spoken to one trader in the village who wants paid parking. People are not going to walk two or three blocks with groceries – it will destroy my business,” he said.

Alexis Ensor, of Village Idiom on Anderson Street, said paid parking could be the “final nail in the coffin” for some traders.

“There are so many challenges for retailers and adding yet another one is just plain dumb. Just when we’re starting to look forward to Christmas, this is another kick in the face.’’

The council will hold information sessions at Yarraville’s Sun Theatre on September 2 and Maribyrnong Town Hall on September 3. Written submissions close September 23.