Footscray campaigner takes aim at energy review

A Footscray resident has made a trip to the nation’s capital to spread the renewable energy message.

Friends of the Earth renewable energy co-ordinator Leigh Ewbank organised the two-month road trip, visiting eight Victorian communities to look at the impacts of energy policy.

“We travelled over 2000 kilometres to speak with communities that have benefited from renewable energy or have been affected by fossil fuel pollution,” he said.

“When it comes to Australia’s energy future, the communities we spoke with want more renewable energy.”

Mr Ewbank said Australia’s 41-terawatt-hour renewable energy target had created 30,000 jobs and $18 billion worth of investment. But the bulk would be lost if the target was reduced.

He warned a weakened renewable energy target, as suggested in a review by former Caltex chairman Dick Warburton, would have implications for Melbourne’s west. “Melbourne’s west is going solar in a big way. Westsiders with solar panels save a massive $2.39 million on power bills and 13,341 tonnes of carbon emissions each year.”

Gellibrand MP Tim Watts said the federal government’s plans would have a severe impact on the renewable energy industry, environment and communities.

“We’ve seen with their gleeful repeal of the carbon tax how little the Coalition cares about climate change.”