YOUR VOICE: July 3-July 9

A cyclist’s lament

I am so sick and tired of being threatened and abused on Footscray’s streets (and surrounding suburbs) for being on a bicycle. I am a safe and sensible rider who obeys the road rules and doesn’t speed. But almost every other day, drivers yell at me to “get off the road!” It’s frightening. And it’s not just young men hurling me abuse. It is everyone – men, women, young and old. I may unfortunately, temporarily slow you down at traffic lights, and I apologise for that. But I should be thanked, not abused – each bike on the road means one less car.

Larissa MacFarlane, Seddon

Tommy reminds us

I was touched by the humbleness and dignity shown by Tommy Moyal, who was so grateful for the lunch served to him by volunteers at Laverton Community Centre (“Hot lunch more than just food”, Star Weekly, July 2). We get so caught up in our material lives that we forget to be thankful for all the wonderful things we have.

Sharon Gatt, Newport

Money grubbers

Good on you for taking a stand, Mr McNish (“Parking officer ‘heartless’”, Star Weekly, July 2). That council is a money-grubbing lot. I don’t think an appeal is going to go anywhere with them. Take it to the highest courts, and good luck!

Snoopy42, via web

Ferry’s Altona challenge

The ferry to Altona – where would it dock and load and unload passengers? (“Altona stop planned for city to Werribee ferry”, Star Weekly, July 2)

Clinten, via web

Rice is right for the west

Having Janet Rice in the Senate will put the western suburbs on the political map like never before (“Senator rides into Canberra”, Star Weekly, June 2). Congratulations, Footscray, you will be the biggest winner from electing this fantastic community advocate.

Colleen Hartland, Greens MP