White Ribbon: Williamstown man organises night against violence

A Williamstown man is supporting a campaign to end violence against women by hosting a White Ribbon Night to raise funds and awareness.

Phil Wells, a human resources manager at Urbis, said many men might be shocked to learn that one of out three women will experience physical or sexual violence during their life.

“I’m a big, big fan of the cause, sworn my commitment to it and just really keen to make sure I’m supporting them,” Mr Wells said.

“I’m doing it with a bunch of workmates and family.

‘‘The ‘night in to speak out’ is just about a night of awareness.

“I think it’s important for our whole culture to be involved … because the message is such an important one.”

There was a dramatic surge in family violence in Hobsons Bay and Maribyrnong last year.

Victoria Police figures showed a 46 per cent increase in family violence cases in Maribyrnong, contributing to a 33 per cent rise in overall reported assaults, from 582 to 771.

In Hobsons Bay, family violence assaults in the municipality increased by 24 per cent, from 225 to 279.

White Ribbon Australia chief executive Libby Davies said, on average, one Australian woman was killed by her partner each week.

Anyone experiencing family violence can call the Women’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service’s 24-hour hotline on 1800  015 188.

To donate, visit www.whiteribbon.org.au