Altona North: Jobs stay, but too latte for Yooralla cafe

Hobsons Bay council has expressed “deep disappointment” that Yooralla won’t extend the lease on an Altona North social enterprise beyond the end of this month.

The UCAN café is a not-for-profit business that employs young people with a disability.

Staff receive award wages, unlike most workplaces where people with a disability receive payments based on productivity assessments.

Yooralla spokeswoman Lauren Bradley said no jobs would be lost and the organisation was working to ensure staff didn’t lose hours when they transferred from the Altona North library site to Yooralla’s UCAN café 

in Williamstown.

“I think it’s a matter of them developing rosters that work for the whole team,” Ms Bradley said.

“The decision to close the café was not taken lightly and was made after several attempts to improve financial viability.’’

Ms Bradley said most of the staff worked at both sites and Yooralla had ensured that staff could easily relocate to the Williamstown café.

She said Yooralla had also expanded the catering wing of the enterprise to a new site in Footscray, allowing it to cater for customers in Melbourne’s CBD.

Cr Angela Altair told last week’s Hobsons Bay council meeting Yooralla’s decision was “deeply regrettable”.

“I want to express deep disappointment … that UCAN did not make a go of it at Altona North,” Cr Altair said.

“It’s deeply disappointing … it will be sad to see them go, but we’re hoping that Williamstown will continue to thrive.”

Yooralla opened the Altona North café three years ago. The Williamstown venture started last November.

Mayor Sandra Wilson said that while Yooralla’s decision was disappointing, “every effort will be put into ensuring the UCAN café at Williamstown library has every opportunity to succeed”.