Altona, Seaholme seniors seek social bus for outings

A petition signed by 72 people is calling on Hobsons Bay council to provide a bus service for community outings for the elderly, stating residents are “envious of those who have such a service in Wyndham”.

Lead petitioner George Said is requesting council provide, or negotiate with a service club or organisation to secure, a regular 12-seater bus service so elderly citizens of suburbs including Altona and Seaholme can visit clubs and shopping centres.

“Many of the elderly have lost the ability to drive and feel isolated,” the Seaholme resident said. “Ladies, particularly, who can’t drive and have lost husbands who used to drive, are housebound.

‘‘They can’t go to Highpoint or Werribee Plaza or some place to have a cup of coffee and do some shopping. I envisage that the council would buy a bus or allow a bus that already exists and is used by some groups to be shared.

“There are Greek people, elderly, who come to our clubs from Point Cook and Werribee and they say, ‘How come you don’t have a bus? We have a bus and the council looks after us’.”

Hobsons Bay mayor Sandra Wilson said a report would be brought to the council in August to outline available buses and their usage.

“We have five council buses that are used to transport frail and aged citizens to and from our centre-based programs across the municipality,” she said.

“An 11-seater bus is also available for hire from Altona library.

“This has been a successful initiative used by a variety of community groups.

“We’re also investigating what other options for community transport may be available within the community.”