Williamstown man charged over abusing police, hooning

A Williamstown man is facing numerous charges after allegedly abusing police, hooning outside a police station and smashing security cameras with a rolling pin at the Nelson Heights public housing estate where he lives.

Sergeant Dean Howard of Williamstown police said a man, 32, was arrested on July 20 after allegedly approaching police in the street and being verbally abusive and aggressive.

“At the time he was released, he was quite angry and aggravated and didn’t believe he should have been arrested.

“He returned to the police station the next morning and was once again verbally abusive towards members in the police station and [was] asked to leave the police station.

“As he was leaving, he decided it would be a good idea to do a big line locker – so, a big burnout – right down the street in front of the police station.

“So, they went down to his address and spoke to him in relation to that and serve a notice to impound his vehicle on him.

“Ten minutes after police left his address, which is at the high rise at 235 Nelson Place, he took it upon himself to take a rolling pin to the security cameras, the light fittings and various other items in the foyer and causing an extensive amount of damage.”

The man was arrested on Wednesday night and charged with multiple driving, criminal damage and public behaviour offences.

Department of Human Services’ investigative arm is likely to make its own inquiries to determine if the man will be evicted.

He has been bailed to appear at the Melbourne Magistrates Court in November.