#discuss, get it off your chest, and tweet away | Gallery

For nine days, the Wheeler Centre is asking people to #discuss, sharing the things that concern, interest, excite or confuse them.

One hundred of the most controversial or thought-provoking #discuss tweets will then be printed on physical plaques (looking like historical markers) and stuck on buildings in strategic locations throughout Melbourne. The markers will be photographed and tweeted back to the originator.

Director of the Wheeler Centre, Michael Williams, says the campaign is about provoking discussions about the things that are important to our community, be they local, national or global.

“People in Melbourne are well informed and interested in the world around them, and they have something to say on every topic out there: The Federal Budget, the upcoming state election, emerging writers or Thursday night football. The #discuss campaign is a way for these conversations to see the light of day and gather some momentum. Putting the tweets on display in areas where thousands of people will see them helps celebrate the depth of discourse in Melbourne.”

The markers will not be limited to the CBD – topics people want to #discuss will be matched to their surrounds, including throughout the suburbs.

All you have to do is use the hashtag #discuss to opt in, and see if your tweet will make a mark on Melbourne. You can follow the conversation at discuss.wheelercentre.com or via @wheelercentre.