Williamstown: Cyclists peddle safety message

Cyclists are calling for changes to what Bicycle Network has dubbed one of Melbourne’s most dangerous roundabouts, at the corner of Kororoit Creek Road and Merrett Drive in Williamstown.

An Austroads report released last month found Australian roundabouts were among the most dangerous in the Western world. It said most were designed to increase traffic flow, not safety.

The report recommended design changes and speed limits of 13-15km/h at roundabouts.

That prospect was welcomed by Bicycle Network.

Cyclist Jonathon Marsden described riding through the Williamstown roundabout as “terrifying”.

“This roundabout is not much more than a chicane on the speedway from Williamstown to the Geelong Road, rather than its designed purpose of slowing cars down to allow other drivers, riders and walkers to safely negotiate the intersection,’’ Mr Marsden said.

“We ought to be designing our roundabouts for all classes of cyclists, and all ages – from eight to 80.

“High school students are at particular risk as they’re too old to legally ride on the footpath and are instead forced to deal with speeding cars rushing through the choke points at the entrance to the roundabout, with no room to spare. If the roundabout is not fulfilling its purpose it should be redesigned or a signalised intersection put in its place.”

Western Metropolitan Greens MP Colleen Hartland last week wrote to Public Transport Minister Terry Mulder, calling for immediate action to fix the Williamstown roundabout.

“This report makes it clear that we need to improve cyclist safety at roundabouts,’’ she said.