Paea Leach: Chunky Move explores what lies beneath

The random undercurrents of life have inspired Yarraville dancer Paea Leach’s latest creation for leading dance company Chunky Move.

The performer and choreographer said her piece, the lines of birds, looked at the pathways people create, like desire lines walked into cities, and the idea of ‘‘ruptures’’ breaking up linear forms.

“I’m looking at things that travel in a linear fashion, how you make steps in a logical way, but it’s more interesting to me to look at what’s underneath, the undercurrents of something else emerging in this space,” she said.

Leach traces her love of dance back to early childhood in Newcastle, where a false start in ballet was rescued by the discovery of contemporary dance.

She moved to Perth and trained at the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts, going on to perform and teach nationally and internationally with Chunky Move, Australian Dance Theatre and Perth Theatre Company.

Leach said her latest piece was one of three brought together for the show

It Cannot Be Stopped, alongside works by rising talents Atlanta Eke and Benjamin Hancock.

The performance involves three dancers and musicians Madeleine Flynn and Tim Humphrey, who will draw on ambient sounds to create a unique score for each show.

“I’m really interested in collaboration, in how people come together to create something together,” Leach said. “This has been really challenging, but I love how you can build a new language in this grey area between us.’’

‘‘I think because the process has been really rigorous, this is reflected in the work and I have a great feeling about how it will turn out.”

It Cannot Be Stopped is at Chunky Move Studios, 111 Sturt Street, Southbank from June 19-29. Tickets: $20-$30. To book, visit or phone 9645 5188.