Footscray: Council rejects $40m tower plan for Paintspot site

A 16-storey residential tower proposed for a prime Footscray site has been rejected by Maribyrnong council, with the final decision resting with Planning Minister Matthew Guy.

The $40 million project for the Paintspot site at 26-34 Buckley Street would contain 182 dwellings built above ground floor retail stores.

But the council has objected to the application on the grounds it lacks housing diversity, provides fewer car parking spaces than needed, conflicts with planning policies and would have unacceptable impact on local amenity.

Mayor Grant Miles said the council could not support the development.

“We have concerns about over- shadowing on Nicholson and Buckley streets, concerns about major wind funnels,” he said.

A report on the application found the proposed 16-storey building was six storeys taller than the preferred height for the area under the Footscray Structure Plan. The building setback was considered insufficient, parking in the area would be impacted and wind conditions experienced by pedestrians would be “severely compromised”.

A spokeswoman for the Planning Minister said a decision about the proposal had yet to be reached.