Western Hospital’s emergency department to be rebuilt

UPDATE: More than half of Footscray’s Western Hospital needs to be demolished and urgently rebuilt, according to a briefing document prepared for the state government.

The ‘Changing Health for a Changing West’ document, seen by the Star Weekly, says $550 million will need to be spent at Western and Sunshine Hospitals to meet growing demand from a population expected to pass one million within a decade.

The document warns a failure to rebuild now will prove costly in the longer run.

“The cost of a five year delay in commencing this program of work is estimated at more than $100 million.”

Fewer patients will be able to be treated and patients could suffer from treatment in inadequate buildings.

By 2026, there would be a shortfall of 543 beds – more than the current size of Western Hospital.

Western Heath argues the most urgent step is to rebuild the Emergency Department at Western Hospital to more than double its size.

The document flags the need to demolish the dilapidated South Block and replace it with a new In-Patient Precinct.

New short stay and acute assessment units at Western Hospital are also needed as well as a dedicated Women’s and Children’s centre at Sunshine Hospital.

Total redevelopment across the two sites would include 448 beds, 39 special care nursery cots and four new theatres, as well as additional clinics and other services.

Speculation is mounting that the state government may make an announcement on funds for rebuilding ahead of the election, but Health Minister David Davis remains tight-lipped about any spending.

His spokesman said the Department of Health has been working closely with Western Health to assess community needs.

“Together, they have developed long-term plans for the health service’s physical infrastructure.”

Western suburbs Liberal MP Andrew Elsbury said he would lobby the minister on Western Health’s behalf.

“My job will be to have a talk with the Minister as to how we can make this happen.”

Mr Elsbury said it was still early days but he would continue to press the need to rebuild the ageing hospital.

Western suburbs Greens MP Colleen Hartland said she strongly backs Western Hospital’s proposal.

“There will be a significant detrimental impact on health services to the people of the West if these developments do not occur, and that why I’m making it my top priority for the 2014 election campaign.”

Footscray MP Marsha Thomson said if the government was serious about the rebuild it would have included the spending in the current budget.

She said Labor will make its own announcements about health spending ahead of the election.