Michael Adonai: Chance to draw on artist’s experience

An artist whose work highlights the plight of refugees worldwide is sharing his talents as part of the current Refugee Week.

Michael Adonai will lead a painting master- class at the Footscray Community Arts Centre (FCAC) over the next two Saturdays, exploring his Coptic style and approach to visual story- telling.

Adonai says painting is a great way to share difficult stories.

“When it comes to sensitive communication, painting seems to me the right medium to communicate with people.

“My main focus is always life, the human aspect. People seem to create an attachment to certain works.”

Adonai’s first solo exhibition, I Did Not Choose To Be A Refugee, is at the Joel Gallery, Altona, until June 27.

The Werribee resident says he wants to give people an awareness of the struggles faced by refugees.

“I came from Eritrea. It’s a hostile area full of war and drought; that’s why I’m always interested in the human condition.

“For the last 30 years my works evolved around these topics.”

Adonai, one of Eritrea’s most celebrated contemporary artists, has also exhibited in the US, Europe, Middle East, Singapore and Japan.

Last year he took part in an emerging cultural leaders’ program through the FCAC.

His masterclass is suitable for all artists, from beginners to advanced.

Cost is $95 ($75 concession); book at www.footscrayarts.com