Nelson Place parking promise ‘broken’ by council

A former Williamstown Chamber of Commerce (WCC) leader has accused Hobsons Bay council of reneging on a deal to put 30 per cent of parking machine revenue from Nelson Place back in to the area.

Greg Murray, who was vice-president when paid parking was introduced in 1997, said the shopping precinct had been left to deteriorate.

As reported by Star Weekly, the WCC strongly objected to the council’s plan to increase parking fees from $3 to $3.30 per hour next financial year.

The council made $884,000 from parking fees and fines in Nelson Place last financial year. It is the only street in Hobsons Bay with paid parking.

Mr Murray said the council had not followed through on an original commitment to return 30 per cent of parking revenue.

“So many businesses have changed hands, [the deal] has been lost in the atmosphere somewhere. They’ve never held the council to account for it,” he said. “[The council] has absolutely let the jewel in the crown of Hobsons Bay eteriorate. It’s just totally illogical.’’

Mr Murray said when paid parking was introduced, Nelson Place had more potential than Fremantle in Western Australia.

‘‘Now, have a look at what the council has done in Fremantle: it’s a historic area, it looks like an historic area. That’s exactly what should have happened here.

“Ninety per cent of people who have a business in Nelson Place, if somebody knocked on their door and said ‘we want to take over your lease’, they would absolutely embrace them … that’s how bad business is.’’

Mayor Sandra Wilson said: “The council’s practice is that resources and revenue from all fees and charges including parking fees are consolidated to fund services, programs and works of the council across the city.”

Cr Wilson said this included an events calendar to help the local traders association and a marketing campaign of particular relevance to Nelson Place.