Hobsons Bay: Men’s Shed group riding to better health

Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed is urging men to seize the day and join its Pelicans Cycling Group.

The group, whose motto is Carpe Diem (“seize the day”), was started by ISIS Primary Care in Altona to get clients back in the saddle after heart surgery.

Men’s Shed publicity officer Graeme Borlase said the group was part of a broader initiative to look after the health and well-being of members. “The group rides each Tuesday, mostly following the bike trails in Hobsons Bay and around the inner city,” he said. “We have up to 10 riders attending on Tuesdays, meeting at the Altona Pier or at Flinders Street railway station, where we ride to Port Melbourne [via light rail trail] or follow the Yarra to Dights Falls and circumnavigate Melbourne city.”

The rides can cover more than 50 kilometres.

For more details, visit www.facebook.com/hobsonsbaymen