
■ Happily, Aussie Rules at all levels is no longer a violent sport, yet it is still very physical and, at times, dangerous.

That was brought home to me with two incidents at local games last weekend. Two games were stopped, with two players taken from the ground in ambulances.

I was not at either ground, but I still got that sickening feeling in my stomach when I thought of the worst-case scenario. You think of their teammates, parents, wife or girlfriend who are at the ground watching.

Fortunately, both players avoided any major damage. I also think of the club people who are entrusted with the health and safety of these young men. The good news is, clubs are run much more professionally in these areas in 2014 and, as a parent of a potential player, I’m glad of that.

There will always be an element of danger and injury in our game; we all accept that. Managing incidents like these is where we have grown.

■ Braybrook Football Club is holding its annual Sportsmen’s Day lunch this Sunday (May 25) at Pennell Reserve, with its favourite son Doug Hawkins as MC.

Hawkins will be joined by Greg Hall, ‘Dipper’ and Rodney Hogg on what will be a great day of fund-raising for the club.

This season is a most interesting one for all WRFL second division clubs on the cusp of playing in division 3. Braybrook is one of those clubs and needs to embrace whatever its future holds. As I’ve written in the past, success is something that can be measured in many different ways.

■ I sincerely hope the one-club player is not a thing of the past. The achievement of 450-gamer Darryl Jefferies for West Footscray proves it is possible, but I think it’s becoming less the norm as money takes over.

Milestones like 100 games and the like re becoming less regular for that very reason. This has a detrimental effect on the history of clubs.

I know when I walk into a club, the first thing I check out is the honour board. I love seeing who are the life members, best and fairest winners, etc.

This week, Sam Wormald plays his 100th VFL game – an enormous achievement, which just blows me away. I trust the football community understands its merit; 100 games at VFL level is very special. Sam is an exceptional person who has displayed his qualities on and off the field.

Kevin Hillier