Western Health, hospital cuts ‘on Labor’s watch’

Health Minister David Davis has slammed the Labor opposition as hypocritical for attacking funding cuts to Western Health.

Footscray MP Marsha Thomson said the federal government was slashing $277 million from Victoria’s hospitals, including $16.6 million in cuts to Western Health.

She said the funding cuts could pay for 3000 nurses, 500 new hospital beds or clear the elective surgery waiting list.

“Mr Napthine … has remained utterly silent on this massive cut to our hospitals that will affect patients right across Victoria.”

But Mr Davis said the former federal government cut funding to Western Health by $22.2 million.

“Even worse, when the Gillard and Rudd governments cut $475 million from Victoria’s hospitals, Daniel Andrews’ Labor Party voted to support it,” he said.

“While Labor cut funding to Western Health by $22.2 million, the Coalition government has increased funding to it by $104.7 million.”