Long trek a tribute to fighting spirit

Two western suburbs fathers will take on the Melbourne Kokoda Challenge, watched by some of the first Australian troops to walk the Papua New Guinea track in World War II.

Workmates Ben Cunningham, 32, of Werribee, and Marco Quiroz, 33, of Seaholme, will trek 30 kilometres through the Dandenong Ranges to raise money for youth programs.

It’s the second time Mr Cunningham has competed in the challenge, staged to honour the Kokoda spirit of courage, mateship, endurance and sacrifice.

Mr Quiroz is taking part for the first time.

Veterans from the 39th Australian Infantry Battalion Association will watch the October 27 challenge.

Money raised will fund the Kokoda Challenge youth program, which helps 15 to 18-year-olds build resilience, self-esteem and life skills.

“I’m a big supporter of youth and charity, and want to see kids get away from the television and computer games and get outdoors to be healthy,” Mr Quiroz said.