Job options open up for people with disability

The Western Bulldogs have joined forces with Sunbury disability provider Distinctive Options to offer an education course to help people with an intellectual disability enter the workforce.

The course is the first venture in a partnership of the two organisations.

“The Western Bulldogs do courses with other groups and we’ve come to an agreement to work together as well, despite being outside the area they normally cover,” said Distinctive Options schools liaison and marketing co-ordinator Sarah Heriot.

Ms Heriot said the free course was about opening up opportunities for people with a disability, including Savannah Coots.

“We are hoping to build skills so the participants can work, get work experience and volunteer to show they’re a valued member of the community.”

She hoped local businesses would also get involved in giving the participants an opportunity to gain some work experience.

Ms Heriot said the course, which starts in February, would run one day a week. 



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