Fowl funds a healthy boost for Altona North childhood centre

Caitlyn and other children of Altona North Early Childhood Centre have helped build a pen to house their new chooks after receiving a $1200 grant from Telstra’s Kids Fund.

The Ronald Avenue centre will also use the money for a vegetable garden and an oven to bake healthy food.

Telstra Foundation chairman Geoff Booth said grant recipients were nominated by workers whose children are involved in community organisations.

“This is a great initiative to make a positive difference to the lives of children in communities where Telstra staff live and work.”

In other fowl matters, three chooks evicted from the front yard of a Footscray apartment block have found a new home in an Avondale Heights churchyard.

In January, Omelette, Frenchie and Mayo were evicted under Maribyrnong council laws banning chickens being housed less than 18 metres from the road and 15 metres from homes.