Altona’s much-played colourful piano tinkles offstage

People will on Monday say goodbye to a public piano that has proved a hit at Altona’s Logan Reserve.

Hobsons Bay is the only municipality in the west to host one of the pianos as part of British artist Luke Jerram’s Play Me, I’m Yours project.

Touring since 2008, the project has installed more than 1050 pianos in 38 cities from New York to London to Melbourne. Emblazoned with the simple instruction ‘Play Me, I’m Yours’, the pianos are placed in parks, bus stops, railway stations and elsewhere for the public to enjoy.

Fourteen-year-old Seabrook girl, Amelia Dunstone was found tickling the ivories by the sea last week.

“I think it’s good because it gets people more interested in music,” the year 9 Williamstown High School student said.

The piano was donated by the Tondello family and painted by Laverton’s Urban Arts Collective at the Woods Street Arts Space. People can post and view films and photos of playing the piano online.
