Young beach fans finding older cars a steal

Police are warning owners of older-model Hondas and Subarus to ensure their cars are secure following a spike in thefts across the western suburbs.

Since December, there has been a large increase of reports of ’90s model Hondas and Subarus being stolen from Wyndham, Hobsons Bay and Maribyrnong.

Wyndham’s Leading Senior Constable Craig McDonald believes the cars are being targeted by teenagers looking for an easy way to get around during the school holidays.

“My theory is that kids are using them to get to the beach and back on hot days so they don’t have to wait for the train,” he said.

Many of the vehicles have been stolen from car parks.

Leading Senior Constable McDonald said it appeared the same person or group of people were stealing the cars. “We believe the cars are being targeted because they have no immobilisers.”