All hands on deck to bring asylum seeker centre to Nicholson Street

Dozens of volunteers are helping the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre in its race against time to open in Footscray next month.

Australia’s largest asylum seeker support service is returning to Footscray from West Melbourne where it relocated after outgrowing its Footscray shopfront.

However, a mammoth effort remains to bring the new home up to scratch.

Chief executive Kon Karapanagiotidis said he had been humbled by the number of people pitching in to help in recent weeks.

“It’s a massive, massive project. We’re moving to a space three times the size of our current home; it’s 3000 square metres. It’s a 12-month project and we’ve got 10 weeks to pull it off.”

Mr Karapanagiotidis said the Nicholson Street premises would be able to help more than 4000 asylum seekers with food, material and health aid, counselling and legal help.

He remains optimistic that despite the amount of work left to do, the centre will be up and running soon.

“A lot of Australians are feeling disillusioned about what’s going on and we’re seeing record numbers of people wanting to help and be part of a solution. This really is the worst it has been for asylum seekers in 30 years, but a lot of Australians are ashamed and angry at what this government is doing in their name.”

Further working bees will be held February 19, 21, 22 and 23. 

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