New Men’s Shed for Tottenham

Jenny Mikakos with the Light Foundation’s Ali Fustapha, Fatih Yargi and Hamdi Koyu. (Supplied)

Men in Melbourne’s inner west will have a space to call their own when a new Men’s Shed opens in Tottenham, thanks to a $44,0000 grant.

The Light Foundation’s Western Suburbs Men’s Shed is one of 15 being built around Victoria from $750,000 of state government grants.

The Tottenham shed will be open to all men, with a focus on tackling social isolation and disadvantage among men from the diverse migrant community.

Footscray MP Marsha Thomson said Men’s Sheds were safe and friendly spaces where locals could learn new skills, catch up with mates and give back to the community.

State Families and Children Minister Jenny Mikakos said Men’s Sheds reduced social isolation and promoted social inclusion.

“Men’s Sheds enable people to get together, work on valuable projects and forge strong ties with others in the community,’’ she said.