THE HILLIER VIEW: Manners still matter

In football speak, they are known as the “not negotiables” – the things you just do, without thinking.

What are the things you want your kids to do automatically, that they will take from you and hand on to their kids?

I had a few ideas, but went to Facebook to see what else was out there.

The number one response was manners. A simple “please” and “thank you” are gold. If you extend that to an “excuse me”, you are on the verge of a Tattslotto win. The traffic wave, when someone lets you in, is very highly regarded, and so it should be.

Eye contact and eating at the table were seen as important to the older generation. I was surprised that giving up your seat on public transport still rated a mention, as did opening doors for older people and females.

More broadly, spelling is seen as unnecessary, phoning people is less important than texting them and visiting people even less of a priority. The older generation wants acknowledgement for what they have done and the younger generation wants freedom to do what they want to achieve.

The overwhelming theme was respect. Regardless of age, everyone wants to be acknowledged and not dismissed. I am an oldie and I am learning to see things differently through my nine-year-old. It’s a different and wonderful world.

One thing I will encourage my son to do is work in retail at some stage. I grew up working in my parents’ business. I believe it gave me a grounding that has served me well. I pumped petrol, washed windscreens, made milkshakes, swept driveways – you name it.

I dealt with members of the public at their best and worst, and that gives me a balanced perspective from where I sit now as a customer.

Until you have been on the other side you don’t appreciate how hard it is. It is amazing how different people treat waiters after they have been in their position. They are not servants, they are people doing a job. Always remember they are people and they are sons or daughters.

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