November 20, 1974

Williamstown Council on Monday night decided to spend a $160,000 Commonwealth grant almost entirely on sports facilities.

The money will go to providing or improving accommodation and upgrading the Liston tennis centre, the Loft, The Strand, Fearon and Robertson reserves and the Newport football ground. Money will be used also to buy land for a child-minding centre.

November 20, 1974

Altona council has announced a summary of expenditure estimates for 1974-75 with roads and streets, including Country Roads Board works, accounting for $559,313, and health services $549,345.

A total of $4,053,533 will be spent for the year with rates providing approximately half – $2,079,370.

Of the total revenue from rates, industry will provide more than half – 53 per cent, compared with less than 43 per cent from residential properties.

November 20, 1974

Footscray Council will ask Gellibrand MHR, Mr Ralph Willis, to report “as a matter of urgency” on the number of people retrenched by the textile industry in Footscray.

More than 650 textile workers have been sacked from Footscray textile plants in recent weeks.

November 23, 1994

Footscray Council has named Thinh Hoang as Footscray’s Citizen of the Year and the Footscray and Sunshine Red Cross as the Corporate Citizen of the Year.

Thinh Hoang was honoured for her work in promoting recycling to the Vietnamese community.