Downsizing – a smart and practical choice

David Dippie and his wife Judith.

Sometimes a change in circumstances is the nudge we need to revaluate living arrangements in pursuit of a more fulfilling retirement.

When David Dippie was left on his own in a 4-bedroom, double-storey home after his wife Judith moved into aged care, it didn’t make sense not to downsize.

“I looked at the options – I could get a single storey 3-bedroom place, which would still give me maintenance issues, or I could come into a lifestyle village,” said David.

Previously living in Essendon for over 40 years, downsizing to Rivervue retirement village on the Maribyrnong River was a smart and practical choice for David. Rivervue is a premium retirement village, with lifestyle-enhancing amenities, offering a wide range of options for independent senior living.

“Coming here took pressure off the kids because I’m not on my own in a double storey house. I’m happy here and self-sufficient, and they don’t worry,” said David.

While David gave up the big home and high-maintenance yard, he still enjoys his 3-bedroom abode proudly overlooking the Maribyrnong River and Medway Golf Course – the perfect floorplan to have enough space for his daughter to stay when she’s down from Queensland, as well as a home office.

An active volunteer and member of the Keilor East Rotary Club, David recently came back from a trip to Tonga where they helped set up three dental clinics in the three main schools. The ability to lock-up and leave gave him peace-of-mind while he was away.

“I could just walk out the door knowing everything was safe and my plants would be watered,” said David about living in his gated community.

While David doesn’t use the resort-style facilities at Rivervue on a regular basis, he enjoys the social side of things without the pressure of having to do everything.

“I knew more people here in the first month than I did in the street I lived in for 14 years,” said David. “I’m getting involved within the community at a level that suits me. You can be involved as much as you want.”

According to David, living in a lifestyle-led retirement village is not for everybody, but something everybody should consider.

“For the right people, it’s perfect,” he said. “I’m still pinching myself that this place exists.”

To discover a sense of community with lifestyle-enhancing facilities, visit Rivervue at 25 Bellavista Drive, Avondale Heights. For more information visit