150 years in film

Anthony and Stina Dean. (Damjan Janevski) 355998_01

Williamstown Primary School parents Tony and Stina Dean come from a film making background, so when presented with the opportunity to make a documentary for the 150th celebration, they took it.

Tony has been working as a filmmaker as well as a director of photography and editing, when he said his wife put his hand up to volunteer his time to make the film for the school.

“Our daughter has been attending the school for three years and I feel like I am always so busy that I have felt kind of disconnected from the school,” he said.

“So it’s been a good opportunity to kind of deep dive and connect by speaking with past principals, teachers, alumni and kids, it’s just been really nice.”

Tony said he has 50 hours worth of footage to cut down into a 25-30 minute cut.

“We talk about the history of the school and local historian Brian Haynes and about the nuts and bolts kind of history.

“And then it’s largely about the culture of the school and how the culture has shifted over the years but in the same breath has remained pretty steadfast in their approach.”

The documentary is mainly centred around the Willy Kids philosophy, which Tony said is about shaping the kids.

“This philosophy is about shaping the kids into good humans as opposed to being strictly academic about the way that they go about their teaching.

“Teaching them to be good, friendly, how to be kind to each other and how to be respectful.”

The documentary will be hosted on the school’s YouTube channel later in the year following its completion.

Jennifer Pittorino