Bike path could link Sunshine and West Footscray stations

An off-road pedestrian and bike path could soon link Sunshine with West Footscray under plans being finalised by the Regional Rail Link Authority.

The shared pathway, along the rail corridor between Sunshine and Tottenham stations, would join the existing path from Ashley Street to West Footscray station.

Maribyrnong council infrastructure and engineering director Ian Butterworth said the Regional Rail Link Authority (RRLA) had commissioned the Footscray Deer Park Alliance (FDPA) to design the shared path.

“Council has been involved with the FDPA’s design of the shared path, which is a continuation of the existing shared path along the rail corridor from Tottenham to West Footscray station,” he said.

“Detailed design of the path is nearing completion, and council will be seeking a contribution from the state government to implement the path.”

Mr Butterworth said the shared path was a critical link in Melbourne’s Principal Bicycle Network.

Brimbank council acting director (infrastructure and environment) Nick Mann, said: “Extending the city’s network of shared pathways is an important part of creating a more connected and liveable city for the Brimbank community.”

RRLA spokesman Bob Neilson said it remained in discussions about shared pathways along the project corridor.

Western suburbs Greens MP Colleen Hartland said the bike path would fix a key missing link in the bike network.

“I’m glad that the Regional Rail Link Authority has finally seen the light and came on board with this project,” she said.

Ms Hartland said improvements, such as fixing Shepherd Bridge, were still needed along the route to the CBD.

West Footscray cyclist Chris Harris said the project would make cycling more attractive to people otherwise frightened of riding on busy roads.

“There’s not a suitable road for bringing people from Tottenham to Sunshine,” he said. “Every road you can use is a busy road that carries a lot of truck traffic. There is no safe alternative.”