Yarraville mother to conquer 27 levels of fears for a cause

The thought of plunging 27 storeys from the top of a city skyscraper terrifies Lisel Thomas yet that’s exactly what she intends to do later this month.

The Yarraville mother of two has signed up to take part in Anglicare Victoria’s first ever Altitude Shift, a fund-raising abseil in support of children living in foster care.

Ms Thomas says the prospect is “completely terrifying” but a good way to raise money for a worthy cause.

“They will put us in our abseiling harness, take us to the top of a 27-storey building, give us some instructions and then send us over the edge,” she said. “It’s certainly a challenge, but it’s a challenge I want to take.”

Anglicare Victoria is searching for 200 fund-raisers to abseil down the St James building in Bourke Street on May 23 and 24.

Chief executive Paul McDonald said the event was about taking people out of their comfort zone.

“It’s also an extraordinary way to raise money for an incredibly important cause,” he said. “We’re aiming to raise at least $150,000, but we’re putting the challenge out there to participants to raise even more.”

Ms Thomas said she had received too much support to back out now.

“I work in town on the 29th floor and I occasionally look down and wonder what I’ve taken on,” she said. “Even my four-year-old niece is sponsoring me with $1.”

Ms Thomas said she would auction her “plunge” wardrobe to the highest bidder.

“For the right money, I’ll wear pretty much anything.”

For more information, or to donate, visit www.altitudeshift.org.au