Williamstown: New trader push to share parking pain

Williamstown Chamber of Commerce has called for parking fees to be introduced in Altona and Newport to spread the burden.

President Laura Nardo told last week’s council meeting that Williamstown traders strongly objected to plans to increase parking fees in Nelson Place from $3 to $3.30 an hour under the 2014-15 budget.

“If the council’s objective is to increase cash flow, then we would suggest that other neighbourhoods in our municipality begin to share the burden,’’ she said.

‘‘[They should] start paying their way with the introduction of minimal $1 per hour parking meters in heavily-populated streets in Newport and Altona.”

As reported by Star Weekly, the council made $884,000 from parking fees and fines in Nelson Place last financial year. Nelson Place is the only street in Hobsons Bay with meters.

Ms Nardo said, ideally, parking should be free across the city.

But in lieu of that, ‘‘it’s unfair for Williamstown to have to shoulder the entire burden of increasing council revenue’’.

“Before the council considers increasing parking fees in Williamstown, it should seriously consider introducing parking meters in other areas,” she said.

Altona Village Traders’ Association president Kim Walsh said traders would oppose any move to introduce meters in Altona.

“Council will have a fight on their hands if it even considers imposing them in Altona,’’ Ms Walsh said. ‘‘We will fight it hammer and tong.”

Williamstown traders suggested making a fifth of Nelson Place parking spaces free, with a one-hour limit, or waiving fees before 10am and after 7pm when “over 90 per cent of bays are empty”.