Maribyrnong: Children urged to have their say about city

Children as young as two are being asked to help shape Maribyrnong’s future.

Maribyrnong council is asking children about what’s important to them as part of the development of its new municipal early years plan.

Mayor Grant Miles said the four-year plan would prioritise the design of public spaces and delivery of services for children, families and the broader community.

“Council will consult with children between two and 12 on their views about life in their neighbourhood and what they do and don’t like,’’ he said. Cr Miles said decisions made in the municipal early years plan would affect children more than anyone else. ‘‘It makes sense to listen to their voices and consider their perspectives.”

A range of interactive consultation sessions will be held at schools, kindergartens and long- day care centres. There’s also an online survey for older children, with prizes up for grabs.

Cr Miles said the council was also consulting with parents and families to develop a more family and child-friendly city.

To view the survey, visit