Newport: Bike riding serial sex attacker strikes again

A serial sex offender who has been targeting women in Hobsons Bay since April has struck again.

Hobsons Bay detectives say the man has preyed on 13 women who walked or jogged on Mason Street, Newport, and in Altona North between April 29 and August 10.

During the most recent attack on Sunday, a woman was assaulted while walking on Seventh Street, Altona North, about 7.45pm.

Victoria Police spokeswoman Melissa Seach said the offender, believed to be a fair-skinned man who wears a dark, hooded top pulled over his face and rides a mountain bike during his attacks, targets women between the hours of 6am and 8am, and 6pm and 8pm.

In all cases but the latest one, the attacker has grabbed his victims from behind and sexually assaulted them.

Several women were attacked while exercising and wearing earphones, and one victim was wearing business clothes.

Detectives will set up an information caravan on Mason Street each evening this week in a bid to gather more information about the attacks.

Additional police officers have also been dispatched to patrol the area in the meantime, Ms Seach said.

In May, police revealed they were hunting a man who had indecently assaulted four female joggers in Newport and Yarraville between 6am and 8am.

The victims were all aged between 20 and 30 years.

The attacker was described as fair-skinned, aged between 20 and 30, and about 160 centimetres tall.

A police spokeswoman said detectives were investigating whether the two cases were linked.

Police are asking anyone who has noticed a man lurking in the areas during early morning and evening to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.