Altona North woman’s pets are Animal Aid calendar stars

Two dogs adopted by an Altona North woman have won a photo competition that will put them on the front of next year’s Animal Aid calendar.

Daisy and Ruby, the beloved pets of Anne Palmer, were also selected – dressed in Christmas costumes – to feature for the month of December.

Ms Palmer adopted Ruby from Animal Aid at Bairnsdale after the puppy was rescued from the Black Saturday bushfires.

She was holidaying when she opened a local newspaper and saw Ruby’s face peering out.

“I thought, I’m bringing you home,” Ms Palmer said.

Daisy, originally from a NSW boxer rescue centre, had belonged to a friend’s father.

When the father went to live in a nursing home, Ms Palmer took Daisy in until a permanent home could be found.

That was the plan, anyway. Three years later, Daisy is in her ‘forever’ home.

“We just fell in love with Daisy,” Ms Palmer said.

Animal Aid’s Megan Pritchard said the photo competition and calendar had already raised $10,000 for the not-for-profit organisation.

The money will be used for the care of lost, unwanted and abused animals.

“We don’t receive any government, funding so we really do rely on fundraising, donations and bequests from our supporters,” Ms Pritchard said.