Altona CWA looking for new members

The Country Women’s Association image of older women baking scones has long gone.

At the Altona CWA night branch, young women can gain project management experience to put on their CVs.

President Kim Reilly is looking for new members who are interested in making a difference in their local community.

“I always tell people there’s a lot of opportunities for project management and for keeping in contact with your local community, with fundraising also giving back to the community,” Ms Reilly said.

Secretary Louise Taylor said the branch, established in May last year, aimed to promote the well-being of women and children.

“We offer friendship and opportunities to learn new crafts and have fun working on fundraising projects,” Ms Taylor said.

“We’ve been busy launching our Pier Street Altona Poppy project for Anzac Day next year. We’re hoping to make 1000 poppies to decorate the entrance to Logan Reserve.”

The branch meets 7.30pm on the fourth Thursday of the month at the Louis Joel Arts and Community Centre, 5 Sargood Street, Altona.

The centre displays one of the group’s creative arts projects, a replica soldier’s comfort box containing items such as those sent to Australian Diggers during WWI.

A craft meeting is held at 7pm on the first and third Tuesday of the month at Altona’s Senior Citizens Centre. To inquire, call 0409 382 510.