Autism: Altona Primary School pupils to have specialist drama classes

Altona Primary School pupils with autism will have specialist drama classes, thanks to a $3920 grant from the Hobsons Bay Community Fund.

The 10-week drama program, for pupils with autism and/or a learning or physical disability, will be taught by Petra Glieson, who has appeared in Australian television dramas including City Homicide, Neighbours and Blue Heelers.

“What I hope the children get out of it is learning new skills in terms of helping themselves to feel confident communicating with others,” Glieson said.

“They do respond really well to drama. Because it’s such a physical and kinesthetic way of learning, it almost helps the brain to absorb what they’re learning through the physical work they do.

“I also think the sense of play always supports a young person’s learning, no matter what needs they have.”

Kathie Karapalidis, the mother of a former pupil at the school, was instrumental in obtaining the grant. She said many students with disabilities didn’t qualify for state government funding and would benefit from a program to help them communicate and socialise.

“My son, who has high-functioning autism [formerly known as Asperger’s], is a classic example of a child who is not funded and who flies under the radar at school,” she said.

“He struggles with basic fundamental socialisation issues and it’s programs like this which could build the skills he needs to express himself to people.

“Unfortunately, Lee doesn’t attend Altona Primary School any more so will not be able to take part in this course. But I’m so pleased other students will be able to benefit from Petra’s work.

“Organisations such as Hobsons Bay Community Fund are the lifeblood of our local community, providing much-needed funding for projects which would otherwise not see the light of day.”

In its largest grants pool yet, the community fund is allocating $30,678 to 11 causes, including women’s refuges, early-learning programs for children with disabilities or learning difficulties, equipment for the Men’s Shed program, entertainment for residents in aged-care facilities and support for people with anxiety disorders.

The Hobsons Bay Community Fund grants night will be held on November 12 at Kooringal Golf Club, which has joined Signcraft, Qenos, Compton Green, UMS and Star Weekly as corporate supporters.