Williamstown Road traffic snarls targeted by VicRoads

Road users frustrated by Williamstown Road bottlenecks can have their say on fixing traffic flow.

In a first for VicRoads, a new review aims to help drivers claw back time spent stuck in traffic by providing input on how to improve traffic signals at eight congestion hotspots across Melbourne.

One of the targeted locations is a section of Williamstown Road between Francis Street and the West Gate Freeway which carries 39,000 vehicles a day, creating a regular choking point.

VicRoads director of road operations, Dean Zabrieszach, said a new online consultation hub was giving road users a greater voice on traffic matters.

“Each year, VicRoads looks at the way traffic signals are sequenced, with the aim of cutting travel times and queues at targeted intersections,” he said.

“Drivers are seeing less red and more green as a result of improvements made in last year’s route review and we want to continue this trend.”

The stretch of Williamstown Road from Geelong Road in Yarraville to Hudsons Road in Spotswood is the only hotspot in the western suburbs under investigation, but Mr Zabrieszach said people could recommend routes for review in the 2015-16 program.

“We want to help road users get from A to B more efficiently and safely.”

To have your say, visit consult.vicroads.vic.gov.au/traffic-signal-review.